Our solution

Developing a hydrogen based energy storage solution.

The energy storage solution for local storage at houses, farms and small and midsize companies

The production of green electricity is rapidly increasing, but the yield is variable. Therefore, the bottleneck is no longer production but rather the storage of electricity. To create a buffer that balances production and consumption, storage is crucial.

As owners of solar panels have experienced, there has been no good and affordable solution for the storage problem until now.We offer energy storage solutions for homes, agricultural businesses, and other small and medium-sized enterprises.

Our solutions are seamlessly tailored to your needs through intelligent software. This allows you to optimize the use of your own green electricity by storing it during peak production times and using it when you need more than you produce. When you draw power from the grid, the software ensures that you do so when it is inexpensive (or even free!), while using your stored electricity during periods of high grid prices.

Key Features


This is what makes Hermanos Energy so unique.

Personalised smart energy management

Throughout the year, the software continuously monitors grid prices, availability of green energy, weather predictions, and your specific circumstances. It leverages these inputs to optimize the system's performance for your needs.

Day and night storage

We store your electricity in a battery as a buffer for short-term imbalances between production and usage (such as day-night variations)

Seasonal storage

We use an electrolyzer to store electricity in the form of hydrogen as a buffer for imbalances over longer periods (summer-winter).

Mannaging heat

When converting betweem electricity and hydrogen, heat is released. This heat is often considered as "energy loss." In our system, the released heat is used for heating or providing hot water to your home or business. We also have a hydrogen boiler so you can use the hydrogen for heating directly.

Good for profit and enviroment

With our storage solution, you can also significantly reduce your costs for grid electricity usage. Grid electricity prices vary from hour to hour, ranging from more than 60 cents per kwh to below zero. You can configure the software to stop drawing electricity from the grid once the price exceeds a certain level, and instead utilize the electricity stored in your system. And moments with high prices correlate with a lot of energy from fosil fuels, using your own stored green energy at those moments is much better for the enviroment as well.

A year round solution

In summer there is an excess of solar power and at that time energy consumption is low. In winters the yield of solar panels is much less, and a lot of energy in the form of heating is used. Batteries have a limited storage capacity, they are great for day storage but we add hydrogen storage to it to deal with the imbalance in the seasons. Click through the pictures below to see how our system behaves during the different seasons.

During summer, solar panels often generate more energy than you consume. At these moments, we store the surplus energy in a battery for later use. Additionally, we convert the excess electricity into hydrogen, which can be utilized for heating your home during the winter months. Even if you don't have solar panels, you can still benefit from the green energy available on the grid.

During summer, solar panels often generate more energy than you consume. At these moments, we store the surplus energy in a battery for later use. Additionally, we convert the excess electricity into hydrogen, which can be utilized for heating your home during the winter months. Even if you don't have solar panels, you can still benefit from the green energy available on the grid.

During summer, solar panels often generate more energy than you consume. At these moments, we store the surplus energy in a battery for later use. Additionally, we convert the excess electricity into hydrogen, which can be utilized for heating your home during the winter months. Even if you don't have solar panels, you can still benefit from the green energy available on the grid.


Got questions?

Is converting electricity into hydrogen an efficient process?

Often this is seen as an inefficient process, but the "loss'' of energy is mostly heat. In the solution of Hermanos energy, the waste heat is stored and used, for example for your daily warm showers or heating in the winter. By using heat and electricity there is not much energy loss.

Is storing energy with hydrogen better than a battery?

Is hydrogen storage a safe solution?

Where is the hydrogen stored?

Can I use the hydrogen to replace my natural gas needs?

In 2030 90% of the annual energy demand in the Netherlands will be from renewable energy sources but to balance the energy grid and secure a stable power supply, 30% additional energy from fossil fuel is required. this is causing 9000.000.000 in CO2 emissions.